Riesen auf Espadrillen / Gigantes sobre Espartos
National or Latin American authors, a tribute to Castilian, this time portraits painted on canvas and in turn on Espedrilles (spanish shoes) that the family business of artisans AEDO has contributed with them to the sponsorship and diffusion of a beautiful project, essential and genuinely Spanish.
Miguel Hernández, Miguel de Unamuno, Mario Vargas Llosa, J.L. Borges, Isabel Allende, Julio Cortazar, Francisco Ayala, Frida, Diego Rivera, Mario Benedetti, Camilo J. Cela, Antonio López, Joan Miró, Diego Velázquez, Federico Garcia Lorca, Salvador Dalí, Pablo Picasso, Rafael Alberti, Juan Ramón Jiménez, Vicente Alexandre, Maria Zambrano, Miguel de Cervantes, Mariano Fortuny, Antonio Machado, Pio Baroja, Joaquin Sorolla, El Greco, Valle-Inclán, Miguel Barceló, Cernuda, Neruda, Francisco de Goya, Gloria Fuertes, Saramago or Ana María Matute … All of them giants of the Cervantine Language, of the Literature and the Painting represented on the canvas of the shoes.
With the Sponsorship of Aedo-Espadrilles: www.aedoespadrilles.com
Emilio Fornieles © 2017 “Riesen auf Espadrillen” Hand Painted Limited Edition ® All rights reserved.